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Faith your Vision

Writer's picture: Faith & Family Faith & Family


Have you ever heard the phrase: “Dress for the job you want, not the one you have”? Well, there is a lot to be said about the figurative meaning of this old adage. However, instead of deep-diving into this phrase itself… I’d like to submit that this phrase has elements of a Biblical Faith principle. 2 Cor 5:7 (NKJV) says “For we walk by Faith, not by sight”. So, just as mentors in your everyday life would encourage you to dress for the job you want (and not the job you have)… I encourage you to walk by Faith and not by sight.

As Pastor Duncan teaches, your Vision is the destination (where you want to go), and Faith is the vehicle that transports you there. Of course… there are two things that you need to keep in mind; (1) your Vision must align with God’s Plan for your Life, and (2) Faith without works is dead. Vision that doesn’t align with God’s Will is a destination to place you don’t want to be. And Faith without works is like a car with no engine, as it will not get you to your destination. Make sure you are adding the ‘works’ to your Faith.

It’s good that you have a Vision for your Life/Future. I pray with you that your Vision is in alignment with God’s Plan for your life. I ask that you pray the same for me. I encourage you to carry on as if your Prayers have been answered… because if your Vision does align with God’s Plan, and you have a relationship with God, then your Prayers indeed have been answered. You may not receive that answer in YOUR time, but that’s okay, as God doesn’t operate in our time. Be patient and continue to believe and trust in Him. Carry on by not worrying, by not being anxious, by not succumbing to doubt, by not growing weary or impatient, by not giving up. Rather… carry on with boldness, with confidence, with assurance, with expectation, with knowing – that God will bring your Vision to fruition in its season.

CHALLENGE: Read (or re-read) Hebrews 11. This chapter describes what Faith is and it summarizes several stories from elsewhere in the Bible about how Faith was put into action by different people in different situations. A similarity among all these Faith examples is their trust that God will honor His promises.

Jesus says in John 15:7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”

1) Seek God and His Will first. Praise God.

2) Tell Him your Vision by praying to Him about it. Praise God.

3) Put feet to your Faith. Praise God.

4) Watch Him work! Praise God!



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